So I’ve upgraded the ASI120MC camera in the allsky kit to an ASI178MC
This is an upgrade from a 1.2 mega-pixel (1280×960) to a 6.4 mega-pixel (3096×2080) resolution. It’s a bigger sensor but with a smaller 2.4 micrometre pixel size. It also has a lower (1.4 – 2.2e) read noise compared with the ASI120MC (4.0 – 6.6e).
The first results are quite promising. The camera is certainly running hotter than the previous one.
I have also upgraded the indi-allsky software, and it now features a star-trail timelapse. It also has some interesting new features, which I have not yet worked out fully, so have not enabled them yet.
Here are the first video results:
I shall be testing the stacking features as well as the meteor / airplane detections. I have also applied a custom detection mask, which should improve various calculations and hopefully improve the results.
I have also re-aligned the overlay in the public website, which you can access here.